اولین مجمع عمومی انجمن در شهریور ۱۳۸۱، اولین هیئت مدیره انجمن انتخاب شد و هیئت مدیره به اتفاق آرا نجمه تهرانیان که همزمان رئیس جمعیت مامایی ایران را نیز به عهده داشت به عنوان رئیس انجمن و دکتر ناهید خداکرمی دبیر و خانم فاطمه ناهیدی بعنوان خزانه دار انجمن انتخاب شدند و دفتر انجمن در سازمان نظام پزشکی واقع در خیابان طالقانی (تخت جمشید سابق) خیابان سرپرست مستقر شد.
لگو و آرم انجمن در اردیبهشت سال ۱۳۸۳ به ثبت رسید.
مجمع عمومی انجمن بصورت سالانه برگزار می شود که از سال ۱۳۸۵ تا کنون ۴ دوره انتخابات برگزار شده که ریاست هر ۴ دوره انجمن بر عهده دکتر ناهید خداکرمی می باشد.
آخرین انتخابات انجمن علمی مامایی ایران در ۱۹اردیبهشت سال ۱۳۹۸ برای اولین بار به صورت الکترونیک برگزار شد که با حضور۵۳ درصدی اعضای انجمن همراه بود.

با وجود اینکه جامعه مامایی یک عضو با نام جمعیت مامایی در (ICM) داشت ، انجمن علمی مامایی ایران تمام تلاش خود را جهت ثبت دومین تشکل در این فدراسیون به کار گرفت و در نهایت در سال ۱۳۹۸ موفق به ثبت عضویت خود در international confederation of midwives شد.
Among the objectives of the Scientific Association of Midwifery of Iran are as follows:
- Expanding public confidence in the skills of midwives as an independent profession
- Sharing ideals, skills and professional information with members
- Support and care of midwives and midwifery service providers
- Leadership and management to advance the vision of the association
- Encouraging midwives to support women's active participation in childbirth and continuity of midwifery care
- Evaluation and promotion of the quality of midwifery education in the country
- Promotion of the scientific development of the midwifery profession
- Professional empowerment of members through the provision of scientific, educational, research and technological services based on existing standards
- Improving the scientific level of members in the field of women's health, midwifery and newborns
- Supporting the union and professional rights of all member midwives
- Development of communication network with midwives all over the country
- Development of a system of suggestions to improve the care of women, maternity and newborns
- Holding short-term and long-term educational courses (continuous midwifery education)
- Holding annual and quarterly workshops, seminars and conferences in order to improve the academic level of students, employees and faculty members of the university.
- Cooperating with the health system to implement the country's general health and population goals and policies
- Communication with international organizations and institutions
- Seeking support from national and international organizations and institutions to promote the profession of midwifery
- Reducing inequality in access to maternal and newborn services and professional inequalities
- Improving the level of community health literacy and increasing public awareness in the field of self-care, family health, women's, mothers' and babies' health, sexual health and reproductive health
- Cooperation with the Ministry of Health and other related institutions to improve and promote the centers providing mother and baby services
- Cooperation with the Ministry of Health in developing protocols and clinical guidelines related to maternal and newborn health and reproductive health